First, a few things to know about RedSunBlue. He is a self-described Master of Game. He regularly drops into conversation that he 'did well' with the ladies in Japan
almost two years ago. Like Al Bundy bragging about a few touchdowns he scored years ago. Has
two blogs about it (
here and
Thing to know is after RedSunBlue has banned members because they mention something that trips his various psychological triggers, he loves posting insincere 'thank-you's to the community. RSB is saying to members "Fuck you, you're a fascist, a sell-out, and a white supplicant - but THANK YOU" Very sincere as always.
RedSunBlue might describe himself this way: "I just want to remind people that I basically hooked up with a girl in Japan 2 years go. Had to go abroad to get laid; a bit creepy but hey. All porn since then. But hey, I'm a mod on TRP for a reason. These days, it's mostly chat and Reddit. But mostly chat. Like a true player. Listen to me on my podcast; I'm the guy with the squeaky voice who's always getting talked over."
RedSunBlue prefers to hide in the background and make awful decisions regarding the quality of the sub, who should moderate it, etc. There's a concept of servant leadership - where leaders put the interests of the group first and their ego second. You can't have a high-functioning group, one of mutual respect where the leaders don't take that view.
There are better communities for Asians. Don't trade BS by whites in real life for the BS of three ego-centric Asians. The basis of leading a sub is respect for members. Not ego gratification of the mods at the expense of the members.